My girl has been practicing the bells with the other kids for the Easter program, and as a bonus she was able to bring her 7 year old friend with us to church today as a visitor. When my daughter's friend saw the other kids standing up on the stage to ring the bells for Jesus, she was in, 110% for her Savior. Right away she stood with them.
No inhibition. No practice.
Just the decision to stand up for Him, to ring her bell the best she could for Jesus Christ. God, give me that same child-like desire to ring the bell for the wandering souls!
It just so happens that the pastor's sermon was about this verse:
1 Corinthians 15:1
'Now brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.'
When I think of a bell ringing, I think of its purpose.
Think of an alarm clock. A 4-alarm firehouse bell. A church bell. A dinner bell. Wedding bells.
All of them share the same voice.
Awake! Attention! Celebrate! Fellowship! Rejoice!......Come!
Jesus rose today.
He rings the bell for all of us, calling us to come to the Father.
No inhibition. No practice.
Just the decision to stand up for Him, to ring her bell the best she could for Jesus Christ. God, give me that same child-like desire to ring the bell for the wandering souls!
It just so happens that the pastor's sermon was about this verse:
1 Corinthians 15:1
'Now brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.'
When I think of a bell ringing, I think of its purpose.
Think of an alarm clock. A 4-alarm firehouse bell. A church bell. A dinner bell. Wedding bells.
All of them share the same voice.
Awake! Attention! Celebrate! Fellowship! Rejoice!......Come!
Jesus rose today.
He rings the bell for all of us, calling us to come to the Father.